Angel Investor

Why Angel Investments?

The big advantage is that financing from angel investments is much less risky than debt financing.

Who can be Angel Investors?

These are individuals, normally affluent, who inject capital for startups in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt.

Angel Investments in Numbers

The average check written by individual angels is north of $36k and the median is $25k, but can go as high as $500k.

APEx Angel Investment Program

In our Angel Investment segment, we can help you through our sponsors and through our group of partners to find the right type of investment to your company. Our group of angel investors have currently funded several startups/companies mainly focus on fast-growing firms and IT-related startups.

Who are APEx Angel Investors?

At APEx Finance, the angel investors who you can obtain funding from are primarily business leaders and industry moguls, which means that they can offer you very helpful advice once they’ve invested in your company and have received an equity share.

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